Meet Principal Jen Long

Today We Celebrate Mrs. Jen Long, principal of St. Lawrence in Price Hill.

Mrs. Long believes that the greatest responsibility we have to the children who are entrusted to our care is to provide the tools that they need to become faith-filled, lifelong learners. 

About Principal Long:
This is my 3rd year as principal of St Lawrence. I am blessed to be a part of the Eagle Family! I have been in education for 26 years- 9 of those years at St Lawrence. I graduated from Seton High School and received my undergraduate degree in Education from NKU. My Masters and Principal’s licensure were completed at Wright State University. I am a Westsider (Seton girl married an Elder guy!) My husband Greg and I have 3 boys: Justin (22), studying to be a Chemical Engineer at the University of Cincinnati (UC), Kyle (20), studying to be a Mechanical Engineer at UC, and Ryan (17), a junior at Elder High School. (Guess what? He wants to be an engineer, too!)

Bucket List: Hike in every National Park 
Fun Fact about Mrs. Long: I have run in 5 half-marathons.
Favorite Quote: “In a world where you can be anything, be kind.”

CISE Feasibility Study

CISE Feasibility Study
Building Business & Education Partnerships

CISE is six months into the one-year feasibility study, led by Dr. Mari Thomas, to explore and identify alternative pathways for our graduates. One critical development in this work is the launch of a Business Advisory Council, BAC. All Ohio public school districts and Educational Service Centers are required, by law, to have a BAC. Currently, Ohio has 110 Business Advisory Councils. BACs serve as focused platforms where education and business leaders come together to engage in dialogue about regional economic drivers, build understanding of work-based learning opportunities, and identify strategies that will transform the traditional student learning experience.

CISE is excited to have representatives from the following businesses/industries on the BAC: 

  • Archdiocese of Cincinnati 
  • Business 
  • CISE 
  • Construction 
  • Health Care 
  • IT 
  • K-12 Education 
  • Manufacturing 
  • Ohio Department of Education and Workforce 
  • Post-Secondary Education 

The first meeting is set for March 19, 2024, and will take place at the Greater Cincinnati Foundation. The meeting will focus on understanding the workforce landscape and showcasing career and technical growth opportunities within Catholic schools. 

Build Understanding – Develop and increase collaborative relationships among businesses, labor, and education personnel.  

Develop Professional Skills for Future Careers – Work together to delineate key professional skills needed for the future job market.  

Coordinate Experiences – Create environments that allow students to demonstrate proficiency in critical professional and specialized skills that will aid in future employment. 

As we work to explore and build alternative pathways for CISE-supported High School graduates, the BAC will be instrumental in identifying and validating promising practices that will have a positive impact on shaping the future of education for our students. 

2023 Campaign Wrap Party

2023 Campaign Wrap Party

The Hyde Park Country Club was buzzing with excitement as campaign co-chairs, Liz Niehaus and Don Mellott, board members, staff and supporters gathered to celebrate the success of the annual campaign. The highlight of the evening was the inspiring speeches given by two CISE students from Roger Bacon High School, who shared how CISE has helped them achieve their goals. We were also delighted to have CISE alumna, Tyra Jones, join us for the evening. It was a great reminder of the impact that CISE has on the lives of students and the community. We are grateful for the continued support of our donors and look forward to another successful year.

SGO Donations at Work in Price Hill

A Brighter Future for Students with Learning Differences –

In the heart of Price Hill lies St. Lawrence Elementary School, a safe and inclusive Catholic school serving students in Cincinnati’s inner-city. It’s the kind of school every parent would like for their child to attend. When you step through its doors, you’re immediately welcomed into a warm, friendly environment, where colorful student artwork adorns the walls.

But the transformation happening here runs deeper than what meets the eye. This transformation is not only reshaping the lives of students; it’s a testament to the power of collaborative partnerships. This year, St. Lawrence introduced OptimALL, an intervention program which brings crucial educational support to students with diverse learning needs. This transformative program is made possible by generous donations to CISE-SGO (Scholarship Granting Organization).

Iker, a first grader living with autism, faced an uncertain educational future due to complex state regulations surrounding scholarships for children with special educational needs. Like many, his parents struggled to balance the specialized support Iker required and financial constraints. Principal Jen Long was concerned that St. Lawrence might lose this family due to their struggles to meet Iker’s needs. She recalls the moment, saying, “His parents were looking at us, saying, ‘Please help our child,’ and they didn’t know what to do.” Complicating the matter further, Iker’s parents do not speak English, so at another school they may not receive the Spanish language support that St. Lawrence offers.

“For us to now be able to support this family is just awesome,” says Mrs. Long. “There have been children in the past whose needs were too great, and we had to find other placements for them. The fact that we’ve been able to keep those kids now is pretty fantastic.” This not only benefits the students but also their families, highlighting the advantages of being part of a tight-knit school community.

Bridget Bandusky attests to the positive changes she’s seen in her 4th-grade classroom this year, saying, “I’ve been here for four years, and it’s a night-and-day difference from what we’ve had before. There’s a lot more care put into making sure everyone is getting what they need.” Bridget’s class has an intervention specialist come in for math once a week, pulling out the students with IEPs (Individualized Education Programs) for small group direct instruction where they target the skills that the students are missing. This intervention has not only boosted academic confidence but has also empowered students to take ownership of their work. Bridget takes pride in the transformation she’s witnessed: “I’ve already seen kids who were struggling learners now getting A’s and B’s on their tests. It’s great for them to realize, ‘Oh wow, I can do this!'”

With OptimALL’s support, students can stay on task more effectively and benefit from additional assistance, ensuring that no one falls behind. Principal Long underscores the importance of small-group learning, stating, “Anytime you put kids in small groups, they learn so much faster.”

Trelynn is a St. Lawrence student who receives intervention support, and describes the help she’s receiving this way: “She works with me and helps me with my math and reading. She helps me understand my work better, and it isn’t too fast for me.”

OptimALL intervention specialist, Shannon Buckner, is a vital part of the classroom, working on math and behavioral goals alongside the students. She also collaborates with teachers to communicate the students’ needs and develop strategies for better interactions. For Shannon, this work is deeply personal: “Part of why I wanted to become an intervention specialist was because I struggled in school so much. When I found out that there were teachers to support students who struggle, I decided that’s what I wanted to do. That student was me.”

Jason, a kindergartener who attends St. Lawrence with his two sisters, would not be able to attend St. Lawrence without access to this intervention program. His teacher, Katie Noschang, shares the progress Jason has made since the introduction of the program, “Mary comes and sits with Jason, who has some behavioral struggles. She helps him settle down and focus, she assists him in whatever way he needs so that he can learn.” The impact of this support is not limited to Jason alone; it extends to the entire classroom, creating a more harmonious environment where every child receives the assistance they need to thrive.

OptimALL’s dedication to meeting students where they are, and tailoring support to individual needs, is making a significant impact at St. Lawrence. Generously funded by CISE-SGO scholarships, this program ensures every child, regardless of learning challenges, can thrive. It showcases the impact of collaboration, support, and dedicated educators shaping a brighter future for St. Lawrence students.

Party at the Pitch!

We Are Really Excited!

Yes, it’s five months away, but we are so excited to announce the next CISE Party will be held at the home of FC Cincinnati, TQL Stadium at the Pitch View Club

Watch for more details early next year. It’s going to be an awesome event that you don’t want to miss.

Please, contact Kelly Camm to learn about how you can be a sponsor for Party at the Pitch.

A New Playground!

A New Playground!

This past weekend was the official ribbon cutting for a brand new playground at St. Lawrence Elementary School. Thanks to the generosity of longtime CISE donor, Nick Ragland, 55 preschoolers will enjoy a new, safe playground.

The smiles on the children’s faces say it all!

Listen to CISE on Sacred Heart Radio

CISE is taking to the airwaves with two radio interviews on “Driving Home the Faith” with Fr. Jack Rob on Sacred Heart Radio. Join us as Phil McHugh dives into what’s happening at CISE, sharing insights and updates that you don’t want to miss.

Mark your calendar for these important dates.
November 13 at 4:05 pm – Get ready to catch the latest happenings at CISE
December 4 at 4:05 pm – Tune in for another engaging discussion about CISE.

Listen live at 740AM or 910AM, or download the Sacred Heart Radio App.

Meet Carol & Dick Stevie

Allow us to introduce you to Carol and Dick Stevie, unwavering CISE supporters.

Originally from East Price Hill, Carol attended St. Lawrence Elementary School (a CISE-supported school since 2012.) Dick is originally from Northern Kentucky and was also educated in Catholic schools. Dick met Carol met at a Thomas More University fraternity party.

In 1997, and Carol joined CISE as the first full-time Executive Director since CISE was established in 1980. When she came on board, it was just her and an administrative assistant. That first year, Carl Lindner donated $1.5 million to CISE to begin a technology program in the CISE supported schools. The following year $1 million was donated by a foundation to increase enrollment. Carol recalls, “These were game-changing donations. Support for CISE increased steadily throughout the years through the efforts of the dedicated CISE Board, Annual Campaign chairpersons, volunteers, and generous donors. They were all critical to the success of CISE and its ability to educate children in our community. We were a great team, and I was so grateful to work with all of them.”

During her tenure, Carol helped set up the high school scholarship program and assisted with the establishment of the CISE Foundation – a separate 501(c)(3) – thanks to a generous seed gift from an anonymous donor. 

When the CISE Foundation was established in 2007, Carol recognized the opportunity to start a planned giving program for CISE. With the help of Allison Kropp, they established the St. Benedict Society and the Stevies became charter members of this esteemed group.

In 2008, Carol made the decision to step down to a part-time Associate Director role for family reasons.  She concentrated her efforts on donor engagement, the CISE Foundation and continuing work on a planned giving program. In January 2017 after nearly 20 years with CISE, Carol retired. Carol believes that her Catholic education guided her and helped her to be successful. 

When asked why they decided to be members of the St. Benedict Society, Carol replied, “Personally, Dick and I believe that it is important to continue our longtime support of CISE after we are no longer here with a planned gift.  A bequest through our estate will enable CISE to continue its good work of changing the lives of children in our community.” Dick added, “Education drives your whole future.”

The Stevies were presented with the CISE Faith in Education Award in 2017.   

Today, you can find Carol and Dick enjoying retirement, and they recently celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. They have two grown daughters, Beth and Laura.

Welcome Mike Kennedy

Mike Kennedy has joined CISE as Director of High School Scholarship Programs. The High School Scholarship Program has grown in numbers and complexity and Mike’s skill set is a strong match for addressing this welcomed challenge. The financial management of the Program, formerly lead by Frances Dudley, who has moved on from CISE, will be overseen by Mike. Jessica Beck will grow in her role from Grade School Administrative Assistant to working with both the grade schools and high schools. 

More about Mike
Mike recently retired from Fifth Third Bank after more than 20 years serving in various leadership roles in the Wealth & Asset Management division, including leading the Bank’s investment management and trust businesses that serve not-for-profit entities and private and corporate foundations. Prior to Fifth Third, he served as Chief Financial Officer for PNC’s wealth management businesses in Pittsburgh. Mike started his career in finance at Ernst & Young in Philadelphia after graduating from St. Joseph’s University.

Mike has served on many non-profit boards of directors and committees during his career. He currently serves as chair of the board of St. Joseph Home (SJH) in Sharonville, which provides support systems for people with complex disabilities and their families. Prior to his time at SJH, he was a member of the board and finance committee of Bayley in Delhi, which provides a continuum of care for seniors.

Mike and his wife, Michelle, live in Pierce Township. They have two grown daughters (a doctor and a banker) and four grandchildren.

Meet Principal, Katie Puthoff – Holy Family School

Meet Principal, Katie Puthoff - Holy Family School

My name is Katie Puthoff and I am the Principal of Holy Family School in Price Hill. Catholic education has always been a huge part of my life and is something I am very passionate about. I attended grade school at St. Michael in Sharonville, went on to high school at Mount Notre Dame High School, and then continued my Catholic education at the University of Dayton for both my undergraduate and masters degrees. Go Flyers! After graduating from UD, I then taught middle school for 9 years prior to becoming Principal of Holy Family. 

I feel so blessed to be able to work at Holy Family. The community of students, families, and staff here is one of the best things I have ever gotten to be a part of. I always say that there are truly no words to describe the support this community provides one another- it’s something you feel the moment you step in our building. This is my 6th year as Principal of Holy Family and I truly love what I do. 

We have been working hard over the last 5 years at Holy Family and the hard work is paying off every day as we see our students achieve their goals. While we have been working hard in many areas, our most recent venture has been working on improving literacy outcomes for our students. We have been working with the Ohio Department of Education and Mount St. Joseph University to become a model demonstration school for excellent literacy instruction. Our staff has worked hard to learn and implement research-based practices in the classroom that show us how kids best learn to read and write. We have seen a tremendous amount of growth in our students’ literacy achievements and can’t wait to see their growth continue. It has been truly amazing to watch our students grow in confidence through this initiative. Having a first grader turn to you and say “Ms. Puthoff, I can read!” with a big smile on their face is one of the best feelings in the world. 

When I’m not enjoying the students at Holy Family, I like to spend time with my family and friends; whether it’s a vacation to the beach together, watching the Bengals game, or a fun night of board games, my time spent with them is something I cherish. When I’m not doing one of those things, you can usually find me playing sand volleyball, reading one of my favorite Harry Potter books, or listening to upbeat music to keep my day bright and cheery. 

Thank you to CISE and every CISE supporter for truly making a difference in my life and in the lives of all 234 students at Holy Family! You may never know the scope of the impact your support is making, but I assure you it is far and wide. The support of CISE allows our school to provide our students with the ingredients they need to be productive, successful members of society. When they leave us, we know their futures are bright, and that is largely due to the support they receive from CISE.