CISE Leads Another Successful Catholic BAC

On January 21, 2025, Butler Tech welcomed forty guests to the quarterly Catholic Business Advisory Council (BAC). Dr. Mari Thomas, CISE Career Navigator and Workforce Intermediary, gathered the educational and community leaders for the second session of the Catholic BAC for the 2024-2025 school year. Kristen Craft, Generation eSports, kicked off the session with a powerful presentation about the impact that esports have on the development of transferable IT skills for the AI generation. 

Amy Szymanski, ODEW Office of Disabilities, shared resources for supporting workforce development with students with disabilities; Jeff Damadeo, Indian Hill, shared computer science credentials; Dennis Beam, Butler Tech, highlighted the training, assessment, and certification program for front-line manufacturing and supply chain logistics workers (MSSC); Nichol Boberg and Heather Low, Talbert House, informed us about the newly approved Qualified Behavioral Health Specialist (QBHS) certificate; and Craig Lauman, Messer Construction, overviewed the coursework that introduces high schoolers to the craft and trade of carpentry (CTF). 

The overall goal of this session was to showcase an array of CTE programming that can be implemented in Catholic high schools now. We continue to be inspired by the enthusiasm and commitment to Career Readiness and Workforce Development for students in Catholic high schools.

The next Catholic BAC will take place on April 22, 2025, at the Center for Great Work Performance.