CISE Feasibility Study
Building Business & Education Partnerships

CISE is six months into the one-year feasibility study, led by Dr. Mari Thomas, to explore and identify alternative pathways for our graduates. One critical development in this work is the launch of a Business Advisory Council, BAC. All Ohio public school districts and Educational Service Centers are required, by law, to have a BAC. Currently, Ohio has 110 Business Advisory Councils. BACs serve as focused platforms where education and business leaders come together to engage in dialogue about regional economic drivers, build understanding of work-based learning opportunities, and identify strategies that will transform the traditional student learning experience.

CISE is excited to have representatives from the following businesses/industries on the BAC: 

  • Archdiocese of Cincinnati 
  • Business 
  • CISE 
  • Construction 
  • Health Care 
  • IT 
  • K-12 Education 
  • Manufacturing 
  • Ohio Department of Education and Workforce 
  • Post-Secondary Education 

The first meeting is set for March 19, 2024, and will take place at the Greater Cincinnati Foundation. The meeting will focus on understanding the workforce landscape and showcasing career and technical growth opportunities within Catholic schools. 

Build Understanding – Develop and increase collaborative relationships among businesses, labor, and education personnel.  

Develop Professional Skills for Future Careers – Work together to delineate key professional skills needed for the future job market.  

Coordinate Experiences – Create environments that allow students to demonstrate proficiency in critical professional and specialized skills that will aid in future employment. 

As we work to explore and build alternative pathways for CISE-supported High School graduates, the BAC will be instrumental in identifying and validating promising practices that will have a positive impact on shaping the future of education for our students.