11 High School Scholarships Funded

11 High School Scholarships Funded

In the last newsletter, we announced the Brenda Hoskins Scholarship matching gift challenge in honor of her dear friend, Pete Bushelman. We are thrilled to report that 11 new high school scholarships have been added as a result of teh challenge. This means, thanks to our gnerous donors, 11 CISE students will receive a four-year scholarship to a Catholic high school.

Thank you to all who are giving children the opportunity to continue their Catholic education into high school! Contact Kelly Camm to learn more about how a high school scholarship can be created in your name or your family’s name.

Our donors clearly agreed with Pete Bushelman’s sentiment, “CISE is the most important cause in the city! It takes inner-city children and gives them an unparalleled education that changes their lives forever.”

Meet St. Cecilia Principal, Mike Goedde

Meet St. Cecilia Principal, Mike Goedde

This is my 13th year at St. Cecilia. I have enjoyed my 31 years in education both at the administrative and teaching levels. I received my bachelor’s degree from Bowling Green State University and my master’s degree in Administration from Xavier University. 

I feel fortunate to continue to be able to teach. Although I enjoy being a principal, my favorite part of my job remains my time in the classroom. I attribute my ability to manage teaching and administrative responsibilities to having a great staff. The fact that my Assistant Principal and I both teach, I believe, keeps us well grounded, allows us to better identify and understand the challenges that teachers confront, and gives us a good pulse of the culture within the school, all of which help to shape the vision for the school going forward.

My wife Marie and I reside in Loveland, Ohio. As empty nesters, we are looking forward to many years of travel and adventure in the years to come. In my spare time, I enjoy landscaping and gardening, travel, hiking, reading, birding, history, and all too infrequently, golfing.