90 High School Scholarships Awarded

Thank You High School Scholarship Donors!

Thanks to the generosity of our donors, this year CISE will award four-year high school scholarships to 90 amazing CISE students. With your support, these students will attend Catholic high schools here in Cincinnati and receive an excellent education that will help them reach their full potential. Together, we are building brighter futures. Thank you!

A Big Thank You to CIWF!

Thank You CIWF

The Cincinnati International Wine Festival (CIWF) has been a consistent supporter of CISE since 1995. This year, CISE was honored to receive a generous donation of $15,900 from CIWF! We are so grateful for the loyal, generous support for nearly 20 years.

CISE Receives Arby’s Foundation Grant

Arby’s Foundation Grant

CISE is thrilled to announce that we have been awarded a generous grant of $30,700 from the Arby’s Foundation! Since 2021, the Arby’s Foundation has been a steadfast supporter of our mission.

We want to give a big THANK YOU to the Arby’s Foundation for their continued support and for helping CISE make a positive impact in the lives of children here in Cincinnati.

#ArbysFoundation #doinggood